Hey guys! It's me.
Although this blog is in public but seems seldom people knew about it.
Time flies,it's the last month of 2013.
Honestly,I learnt tons of things in this year.
I got lots of things to share.
I just went home after having supper with my aunts and uncles.
They disscussed about my brother's problem.
It's been a long time ago story.
The relationship between me and my bro is getting worst.
We never talk with each other since in April.
He has a very serious attitute problem,but my temper wasn't as good as my mum.
That's why we had a huge arguement.
Anyway my aunts and uncles tole my parents' talk softly with my bro and be patient to him.
At the same time,they told me not to piss my brother.
But sadly they don't understand my situation and my parents' situation.
People always told me that I shoudn't let him go just like that.
They hope us back to couple.
They tried to push me into you and vice versa.
They tried everything because they found out what I think.
But it's probably wouldn't work anyway if one of us didn't think of that.
Anyway,I hope he think the same way as me,too.
It had been 9 months or longer,nearly 10 months,still waiting for him.
The time wasn't long,but waiting still.
If you wanted to hold back my hand one day, I won't let you miss the opportunity to do it.
I refuse to admit this is love,after the time getting longer and longer...I have to admit it.
Sincerely, me.
It's gonna be a lonely Christmas for me anyway,hahaha.
Guess that my Christmad will end up with envy how other couples celebrate their Christmas.
I used to imagine how I gonna celebrate Christmas with him,but now...everything's gone.